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Leadman Annual Meeting of Board of Directors and Supervisors
March,20th,2014, Beijing Leadman Biochemistry Co.,Ltd’s second-generation Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors held the 11th and 10th meeting.The meeting was hosted by Mr.Shen Guangqian, the President of Leadman.18 Bills including “2013 Annual Work Report of Board of Directors”,“2013 Annual Work Report of CEO”,“2013 Annual Duty Report of Independent Director” are examined and adopted during the meeting.
2013,compared with 2012 on final accounts, has an steady increasing on operating revenue and net profit,also a rapid expansion of assets.As the 2013 annual report shows,compared to last year,the annual revenue RMB344 billion is 8.31% up;the tatal profit RMB128 billion is 11.70% up;the tatal assets RMB1244 billion is 10.07% up;the public company owner's equity RMB850 billion is 11.84% up;the shareholders’ net profir RMB110 billion is 11.99% up.Meanwhile, in accordance to company’s overall development strategy,the company built a comprehensive budget of 2014.The 2014 revenue budget RMB537 is 56.51% up to RMB343 billion practical of 2013; The 2014 operating budget RMB212 is 68.03% up to RMB126 billion practical of 2013; The 2014 tatal profit budget RMB143 is 11.60% up to RMB128 billion practical of 2013; The 2014 mother company shareholder’s net profit budget RMB122 is 11.54% up to RMB110 billion practical of 2013,which will be 11.81% up to RMB108 billion practical of 2013 when excluding the extraordinary gains or losses.
To represent shareholder interests in a better level,the board of directors adopted the 2013 annual profit distributing bill, making a cash dividend distribution to the whole shareholders for every 10 shares represented RMB1.4 per cash dividend (tax).The total cash RMB2.1 billion is the 21.85% of the distributing-available profit this year.’
To promote the growing business and spend the super raised funds more effectively,the meeting decided to use RMB54 billion from the super raised fund as supplementary liquidity permenantly.
The meeting appointed ofMr.Chen Yudong,Mr.Zhang Kun as directors of the second generation Borad of Diretors as a supplement,appointed Mr.Chen Yudong as member of Strategy Committee and Audit Committee,appointed Mr.Zhang Kun as member of Compensation and Assessment Committee.The meeting appointed Mr.Wang Yixing as CEO of company,appointed Mr.Chen Yudong and Mr.Wang Jianhua as Vice Presidents of company.
The Meeting decided to hold the 2013 Annual Shareholders Meeting at 9:30a.m,April 17th,2014,in Leadman’s F2-meetingroom located at Xinghai Road No.5,BDA,Beijing,meanwile the Bills and Issues Mentioned at this meeting will be review and deliberated.
2013,compared with 2012 on final accounts, has an steady increasing on operating revenue and net profit,also a rapid expansion of assets.As the 2013 annual report shows,compared to last year,the annual revenue RMB344 billion is 8.31% up;the tatal profit RMB128 billion is 11.70% up;the tatal assets RMB1244 billion is 10.07% up;the public company owner's equity RMB850 billion is 11.84% up;the shareholders’ net profir RMB110 billion is 11.99% up.Meanwhile, in accordance to company’s overall development strategy,the company built a comprehensive budget of 2014.The 2014 revenue budget RMB537 is 56.51% up to RMB343 billion practical of 2013; The 2014 operating budget RMB212 is 68.03% up to RMB126 billion practical of 2013; The 2014 tatal profit budget RMB143 is 11.60% up to RMB128 billion practical of 2013; The 2014 mother company shareholder’s net profit budget RMB122 is 11.54% up to RMB110 billion practical of 2013,which will be 11.81% up to RMB108 billion practical of 2013 when excluding the extraordinary gains or losses.
To represent shareholder interests in a better level,the board of directors adopted the 2013 annual profit distributing bill, making a cash dividend distribution to the whole shareholders for every 10 shares represented RMB1.4 per cash dividend (tax).The total cash RMB2.1 billion is the 21.85% of the distributing-available profit this year.’
To promote the growing business and spend the super raised funds more effectively,the meeting decided to use RMB54 billion from the super raised fund as supplementary liquidity permenantly.
The meeting appointed ofMr.Chen Yudong,Mr.Zhang Kun as directors of the second generation Borad of Diretors as a supplement,appointed Mr.Chen Yudong as member of Strategy Committee and Audit Committee,appointed Mr.Zhang Kun as member of Compensation and Assessment Committee.The meeting appointed Mr.Wang Yixing as CEO of company,appointed Mr.Chen Yudong and Mr.Wang Jianhua as Vice Presidents of company.
The Meeting decided to hold the 2013 Annual Shareholders Meeting at 9:30a.m,April 17th,2014,in Leadman’s F2-meetingroom located at Xinghai Road No.5,BDA,Beijing,meanwile the Bills and Issues Mentioned at this meeting will be review and deliberated.