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Leadman | The first team development activities of 2016
Cultivating collaboration and teamwork is the main objective of developing training. The development training is a set of mold team vigor, impelsthe training program which the organization grows rises in value unceasingly.The outdoor sports training courses is a mode of developing physical fitness andcultivating staffs's comprehensive competence.
On 7/05/2016, Leadman carried out 2016 outdoor development training in the Chao Yang District, Jing luo Cottage Resort.
All of us took part in various activities, including a camp-fire party, a banquetand a " newspaper bikini show." So funny !
Do you enjoy yourselves tonight? Where is the screaming and shouting ? Be louder and let me hear you!
Here are the pictures! Have fun with us!

On 7/05/2016, Leadman carried out 2016 outdoor development training in the Chao Yang District, Jing luo Cottage Resort.
All of us took part in various activities, including a camp-fire party, a banquetand a " newspaper bikini show." So funny !
Do you enjoy yourselves tonight? Where is the screaming and shouting ? Be louder and let me hear you!
Here are the pictures! Have fun with us!

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