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The 5th Medical Equipment Expo in Changchun, China
The Chinese medical apparatus and instruments marketplace already becomes the third largest marketplace in the world following USA and Japan. The medical treatment institutional reform gets it in gear in 2007, the government will enlarge the throwing in the network of basis public health, is able to bring enormous marketplace space to medical apparatus and instruments producers undoubtedly.
Being the exhibition sponsor place- - - Jilin is a big province with culture and medical treatment, such as No.1 Hospital of Jilin University, No.2 Hospital of Jilin University, Jilin Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has more than 5,000 medical establishments, including more than 3,000 such as hospital, public health center, clinic. Medical apparatus and instruments sales enterprises have reached to the amounts of more than 1,000, and a large amount of armamentarium needs renovation and upgrade. Jilin is also that the new country rural area cooperative medical care experimental unit province and State Council priority contact a province, having accomplished the target of new agriculture jointly in 2007. Going deep into that system reforms with medical treatment in 2008, the government enlarges the throwing to the network of basis public health, increases diagnoses equipment to the villages and towns. The medical apparatus and instruments need amounts assume a straight line rising situation. The needs of medical apparatus and instruments will be raised dramatically.
Changchun, Jilin which is located in the core zone that northeast China economy encloses, is abut to Russia, Korea and Japan which the place is extremely advantageous. As the provincial capital of Jilin, Changchun is the distributing center and maximal regional central city of stream of people, logistics, fund whose economy meeting and departing and the radiation force are affecting Northeast provinces and nearby. Usually is knowed as "the forest city ", "Motown ", "culture city ", "the film city ", “exhibition city”, have already held "Asia Winter meeting" in 2007 and the Northeast Asia trade expo successfully, have brought vaster marketplace prospect and extensive space for further development to this city.
Time: Jun 12-15th, 2008
Venue: Changchun International Exhibition Center
The organizer: Jilin province economy committee
Jilin province hygiene department
Jilin province Drug Administration
Jilin province’ association for medical devices industry